Viv and Teresa have lined up a gorgeous video shoot in this half-term course, that will be edited to Cell Block Tango.
The half-term group course will take place from 7-8pm on Fridays (11, 18, 25 April and 2 May) in our studios.
Filming for the final shoot will take place as follows, and slots will be allocated once sign-ups are closed:
- Saturday 10 May, 3-6pm
- Monday 12 May (Vesak Day PH), 1.30-6pm
Prerequisites: Completed Pole Tech 1 and above, or intermediate equivalent (variations will be given to suit different levels).
- $250 per person, which includes 4x 1-hour weekly group classes, a complimentary 90min pole practice session + 1-hour video shoot.
- Each group prep class will cover dance moves, transitions, styling and pole tricks/combinations that will be used in the final edit for this shoot.
- There will be no replacements if you miss a video shoot class; make ups can only be done in our term Stretch classes.
- Each 1-hour video shoot slot will be a round-robin rotation between 3 individuals, featuring the moves taught during the half-term group course. Please prepare and rehearse in your outfits in order to maximise the number of good, usable takes that can be used for the final edit.
- Final video for each individual will be edited and produced as per instructors' direction.